
This is my website, for some of my many projects that are polished! *enough to be showed off*


Hello! I'm Skylar but you can call me Skye. I am a Junior in High School (2024-2025). This is my portfolio website where I will be putting some of my projects that I think show off my skills. I am CompTIA ITF+ Certified! I got this from my high school. This year, I get the chance to do three certifications: ITF+, Security+, and Tech+. Since I already have my ITF+ this year, I only have Security+ and Tech+ to worry about! Certification Badge


Welcome To My Website!

I'm Skylar, or you can call me Skye, I use She/Her Pronouns

Im a programmer, mainly in minecraft and websites but slowly have been expanding my horizons to many other langues and projects such as Go-Lang and rust


Welcome to SkyeNetwork, A Minecraft server network with many custom minigames and others with twists such as SkyeBlock, Datapacks SMP, Create: SkyeNet


Here are some other projects that are (mostly) polished